Accessible and free mental health.
Seamless, high quality and affordable home care
Maternal health and Indigenous Midwives across Canada.
Are you involved in the health care sector and passionate about making positive social change? This course is for you.
During this one-day, in-person and on zoom workshop from the Institute for Change Leaders and the Douglas Coldwell Layton Foundation, lead instructors Rahat Hossain, MD Psychiatry resident and Olivia Chow will teach you how to:
- Tell your story to motivate others
- Recruit and keep volunteers
- Structure your team to avoid burnout and facilitate growth
- Design a strategy that gets the change you want
- Choose tactics that move decision-makers
You will learn through lectures and small group activities that will allow you to practice the skills we teach. You will work with an experienced organizer, who will facilitate your group and help you plan your organizing project. You will finish the course ready to tell your story, with a developed organizing statement, and tools to plan your organizing project's strategy and tactics.
Breakfast, snacks, and coffee will be included.
Registration is now closed.