10,000 stories of change. That’s what we have heard at ICL over the past six years, as we trained 10,000 people.10,000 leaders. 10,000 opportunities.

10,000 only made possible with your unwavering generous support. 

We are delighted and honoured to share with you our 2021/22 Annual Report, aptly titled Celebrating 10,000 Stories of Change. Each of those stories is compelling – and each of the story tellers is a source of inspiration for others. Many have said that their ICL experience has been life changing for them. But it is their impact on others that achieves lasting social change.

We never would’ve come this far without you.

You are a key part of our story – the story of change. And what a remarkable story it is. In this report, you will read about people who came to ICL with a passion and left with a plan.

We need your support more than ever. 

Read our 2022 Annual Report to hear more stories of hope, inspiration, and action. And please consider making a donation in celebration of this remarkable milestone.

A gift of $50, $75, $100 or even $500 would help us to continue to offer pro-bono trainings and subsidies to people who need it the most.

You can donate online at: www.changeleaders.ca/donate

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The Institute for Change Leaders is a Canadian registered charity that can issue official donation receipts (no. 763310679 RR 0001). ICL is brought to you by the Faculty of Community Services at Toronto Metropolitan University.

Toronto Metropolitan University