ICL's 2024 Annual Report
Learn about the incredible impact that ICL has made this year in our 2024 Annual Report.
The 280 Wellesley St. Residents' Association was the winner of the ICL Alumni Association Storytelling for Change Award for the most effective and powerful public narrative and communications work.
After losing heat and water for 3 days in the middle of winter, 280 Wellesley residents decided to organize to fight for a safe and healthy living space. After attending a workshop with ICL, the Residents' Association began to canvass their neighbours and organize events, using the power of public narrative to build strong relationships and trust between tenants. The 280 Wellesley St. Residents' Association is using a foundation of shared storytelling to build a strong tenant association that is winning real accountability and material improvements in the lives of its members.
The 280 Wellesley St. Residents' Association received their award at the Institute for Change Leaders third-year anniversary celebrations on November 18, 2019.
Please donate to ICL today to help us train more community leaders like Jason: changeleaders.ca/donate.
Learn about the incredible impact that ICL has made this year in our 2024 Annual Report.
Learn about the incredible impact that ICL has made this year in our 2024 Annual Report.
The Institute for Change Leaders is a Canadian registered charity that can issue official donation receipts (no. 763310679 RR 0001). ICL is brought to you by the Faculty of Community Services at Toronto Metropolitan University.