Mike Perry is somewhat of a celebrity here at the Institute for Change Leaders. Read all about him in this month's facilitator spotlight!
Erica's story of advocacy for care workers
Erica Saunders is an Early Childhood Educator (ECE), ICL’s Training Manager, and an integral member of our team. Read Erica’s story to learn more about her advocacy and the fight for care workers to win decent conditions.
Four Stories of Hope, Activism and Impact
Listen to four incredible stories of hope, activism and impact from members of the ICL community.
How we can support care workers fighting for just conditions
I remember purchasing classroom supplies out of my $14.00 per hour wage because the millionaire owner of my child care centre refused to buy paper and markers.
How to Organize in Pandemic Times
On January 21st 2021 ICL's Alumni Association hosted a virtual roundtable featuring a diverse group of organizers who - against all odds - managed to find creative ways to make change happen this past year.
Meet this month's ICL Facilitator, Rizwan Tufail!
Get to know Rizwan, one of ICL’s most knowledgeable facilitators and a cornerstone of the ICL family.
The disastrous Trump era is over but our work is just beginning
If the progressive movement is going to win the kind of extraordinary change that the times demand, this grassroots work must not only continue but dramatically expand. If not, Trump could be a prelude to something much worse and more dangerous.
Leadership and Organizing in Long Term Care
Long term care is facing increasing strain. A system already facing instances of undervaluation, underpayment, and high patient-to-caregiver ratios is exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. ICL worked with District 6 USW workers to teach them about organizing and leadership in the long term care field.
Meet today's Featured Facilitator, Helen Hargreaves!
Helen is one of our longest-standing members of the ICL community. She facilitates trainings, serves on the Board and, most impressively, doing it all while sharing her home with a group of rambunctious reptilian roommates!